Last night me and Big Jim sat down for some gaming. We popped in Silent Hill: Homecoming and chilled for a while, before I suggested grabbing a beverage. The mini-fridge in my basement is usually stocked with Vess soda, so Jim went to look. He exclaimed loudly and I inquired what was amiss? The fridge had in it Bacardi Silver Mojitos and cans of Budweiser Select from when we chilled together in August. We rejoiced.
The Bacardi Silver Mojito is a stylish bottle with a twist off cap, filled with a cloudy liquid. I have three varieties of it in my fridge but I'm only going to review one for now: the classic.
It's sweet. Damn sweet. Bacardi Silver is like Rum Lite, and this is Rum Lite with sugar on top. It's got very little mint kick to it, and a lot of...sweet. Ehhh...I'm afraid to have more than one, my stomach might turn. But that doesn't change one fact: It's damn good. Refreshing to the utmost. Chilly and fine. I'd enjoy one of these over maybe a movie from pay-per-view, or Halo 3. Tonight in fact I am enjoying one whilst playing Left 4 Dead (And taking a break to blog about booze).
Why not, I'll try to Mango flavor as well (They also have a Pomergranate flavor...chic).
Mango is...not as good. Smells mango-y, and the first sip is rewarding but it has a funky aftertaste, and just reverts to the classic flavor a little too quickly for me. Best bet is stick with the classic mojito flavor we know and love...or get the fixins and make yourself a caipairinhas.
Bottom Line: One's company, Two's a bad decision. Enjoy one during a hot summer day, chilled well. They're pretty good. Stick to beer if you want to chug something though. Chug a few of these and you'll let loose that ole' Technicolor yawn.
PS: The beer was skank as hell for some reason...ich. I need a Berryweiss.
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